December 16, 2022

The Benefits of Bundling Your Home and Auto Insurance

Everyone wants to get convenience out of their homeowners and auto insurance policies. However, both policies will cost money, and it is understandable why you and anyone else who buys coverage will want to pay an optimized price for it. When you are in the market for more than one policy, then one of the easiest ways to make your coverage both cohesive and affordable is to bundle your plans. 

Bundling is often simple for people who want to insure their car, house and other belongings in one place. Not only is it convenient, but it has its cost benefits. Let’s take a closer look at some of the rewards that bundling can provide. 

What is bundling? 

An insurance bundle is a fancy way of saying that you buy multiple policies from the same insurance company. It is often relatively easy to do so, since many insurance companies offer multiple policies like homeowners, auto, renters and other personal plans to most customers. 

Bundling is extremely convenient, both for the insurer and the customer, which is why many insurers offer expanded benefits by customers who choose to bundle. Therefore, you have a lot of incentives to gain by doing so. Some of these are: 


When you choose to bundle, you show commitment and loyalty to a certain insurance company. As a result, they will often feel better assured that you will be a reliable customer and maintain all your policies. Therefore, they will often offer customers who choose to bundle a policy discount. You might save on your rates simply by choosing to buy more than one policy from the same carrier. 

Single-Deductible Claims 

Under both homeowners and auto insurance policies, there are deductibles. The deductible is your responsibility to pay before your policy pays for the rest of your claim. When you bundle, you might be able to pay only one deductible if a single damaging event causes you to make a claim on both your home and auto policies at the same time. This can save you a lot on out of pocket expenses. 

Easy Policy Management 

Through bundling, you will often be able to coordinate the different policies so that they more closely align. You might be able to coordinate billing and payment dates, and you can usually set your policies to expire or renew one the same dates. Therefore, you will not have to try to juggle different policies from different insurers, and this can significantly cut down on your risk of ever letting your coverage lapse. 

Many major insurers offer home and auto policy bundles, and it is often easy for your independent insurance agent to research your policy choices to find the one that is best for you. We will help you design a bundle that offers maximized convenience for all your needs. 

Categories: Blog

Tags: auto insurance

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