Hope House Inc.
805 Wisconsin Street
Charles City, IA 50616The Hope House Board has provided the following information.
On July 1, 1980 Hope House Alano Club was born. Many members wished for more meetings per week and this was not feasible because of conflicting meetings at the American Legion, where they were currently meeting. We learned the I.C. Rectory was going to be raised (torn down) and members who were interested, talked to the I.C. Board and reversed the raising order. I.C. let us use it for paying the expenses of running the Hope House. In November 2000 we moved to a temporary house (also owned by the I.C. Church), because the I.C. Rectory was needed for expansion of the I.C. Schools. In July 2001 the Hope House purchased an empty lot from the City of Charles City and using a whole lot of volunteer elbow grease and donations, a dream had become a reality for the groups that utilize the Hope House. We held an Open House on Sunday, April 14, 2002.
Since no individual 12-step group is allowed to own property, it is necessary for Hope House Inc. to support and furnish facilities for all 12-step groups meeting in the Charles City Area. The purpose of the Hope House Inc. is to provide a meeting place for all recovering chemical dependants, various 12-step programs, and their families. Hope House is a tax-free and non-profit corporation and any contributions will be tax deductible and anonymous, if so desired. Hope House feels this is a necessary community service.
The Hope House offers several 12-step programs with meetings held nearly every night. Privacy and confidentiality are of primary concern, the touchstone of the philosophy at Hope House.
To find out more about programs available and scheduled times, the Hope House can be contacted in the evenings at 641-228-7453. The Hope House is located at 805 Wisconsin Street, Charles City.